+ How does this work?

I personally work with each student one on one. We start by brainstorming ideas for the essay based on the common application prompts or the essay requirements of each college. I help you create an outline. You then write the first-draft of the essay and send it back to me. I will edit and provide comments and you will revise the essay. We may go back and forth several times until you have a final polished essay.

If you have already written your essay, I will review it and provide suggestions for making it stronger and more compelling.

+ Will you write the essay for me?

No, I will never write the essay for you. My job is to inspire, guide, and assist you so that your unique voice and story is reflected in your essay.

+ How long does it take?

It typically takes 10-14 days to complete the process from start to finish. It can go faster or slower depending on the student.

+ Do you guarantee admission into my school of choice?

No, I do not guarantee admission to any college or university. Even though it is critical to submit a quality personal statement, the essay is but one component of a total admissions package that includes grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, and more.

What I do offer is insight, guidance, and know-how to help you create an essay that will increase your odds of being noticed and making an impact on college admissions counselors.

+ How much does it cost?

There are several payment options depending on what is required. Please contact me for details.

+ Why do I need you if I have access to my high school college counselor?

High school college counselors typically assist many students at once. Rarely do they have the time to personally guide and assist each student. Frequently English teachers will review students’ essays. While their input is helpful, my expertise is the college application essay. I research, talk to, and hear directly from college admissions officials as to what they are looking for in the essay. I can help my students write pointed, powerful stories and increase their odds of standing out in a sea of other applicants.

+ What is your privacy policy?

I take your privacy seriously. I will never share or sell your work, your name, or your contact information to a third party.

+ How do I communicate with you?

If you are in the New York area we can meet personally. If not, I help students achieve the same high level of creativity, focus, and effectiveness via phone, email, Skype, or FaceTime.

Foreign students—I will work with you regardless of the time zone challenges.

+ What else can you help me with?

As a professional writing coach, I can assist you with all your writing needs including: homework assignments, papers, resumes, thank you letters, speeches, bios, website copy, internship and job application letters and more. Just ask.

+ How do I get started?

Send me an email at naushad@inspiredessays.com, or call me at (631) 553-0441. 553-0441.